Here’s a service that saves lives. If you have had too much to drink and don’t want to drive, call them.
But here’s the kicker: The organization offers ideas for parents to communicate with their kids about alcohol and drugs. They also offer peer-to-peer mentoring and creates a healthy and Youth to Parent classes, offering “an open environment where parents and children feel comfortable asking and answering questions. Through the “Communicating in a New Millennium” series, LEV has created a unique forum where parents and children engage in dialogue over issues ranging from relationships, to academics and substance abuse”.
This is truly a public service. If you or someone you know fails to take advantage of a service like this and is ultimately arrested, feel free to call my office to discuss your legal problem, no matter where it occurs in Orange County.
If you want to know more about driving under the influence, or your own charges, call DUI defense attorney William Weinberg @ 949.474.8008 in his Irvine office.