Last Thursday, from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m., Newport Beach Police set up a sobriety checkpoint on Dover Drive. About 340 cars drove through the checkpoint, 308 cars were given DUI material and information and were observed by officers, 11 of the drivers were given field sobriety tests, 6 were arrested for driving under the influence, 11 citations were given and 7 cars were towed.
DUI checkpoints can be costly for cities, but many cities think its worth it. DUI checkpoints scare the community to not drink and drive and also save people’s lives. If you ever want to know if there will be a DUI checkpoint in your area, call the local police station and ask. Even if there is no DUI checkpoint, there is often police saturation during the weekend to catch drunk drivers. Whether you live in Huntington Beach, Irvine or La Palma, if you are charged with a DUI, call an experienced DUI defense attorney to assist you.