Orange County Judge Delays Venue Hearing in Angel Death Case

The family and friends of Nick Adenhart will have to wait a bit longer to see if the DUI murder trial of Andrew Gallo, charged in the death of the Angels pitcher, will take place in Orange County or elsewhere.

Gallo’s attorney was allowed to substitute in on his case, even though the Public Defender’s office had done massive amounts of work on his behalf, and even though Gallo’s new attorney didn’t have the resources to research, write, file and argue all the motions a case of this caliber would require. Apparently, the court considered whether to relieve the PD completely, or direct it to continue its representation regarding various motions relative to the case.

In any event, the matter isn’t settled for now, since the court continued the motion to a future date. This story points to an ongoing challenge for the private Orange County criminal defense bar. Should you accept a client’s case, knowing that your ability to represent that person may be limited, based upon your own experience, staffing and the client’s financial resources?

Whether your matter is in Westminster, Santa Ana, Irvine or Newport Beach, make sure you consult and retain a qualified Orange County Criminal Defense Attorney to assist you with a DUI murder or DUI manslaughter matter.

If you want to know more about driving under the influence, DUI manslaughter, or your own charges, call Orange County criminal defense attorney William Weinberg @ 949.474.8008 in his new Irvine offices.