After rolling through a stop sign in Coto de Caza on Saturday, police tried to stop Matt Keough. Keough did not stop however, and drove all the way to his house before police stopped him. Once there, police thought he was drunk so they tested his blood alcohol level. His blood alcohol level turned out to be 3 times the legal limit. He was arrested and taken to jail. In 2008, he was arrested for a probation violation of a DUI arrest in 2005.
Matt Keough is a former professional baseball player and reality star in the show “Real Housewives of Orange County.” Although the show is more about his ex-wife Jeana Keough, he was seen on the show a few times in the first few seasons. After suffering head injuries from baseball, Keough suffered from memory and mood problems which drove him to alcohol.
With his blood alcohol level being three times over the legal limit, Keough will need an experienced Orange County DUI defense attorney on his side.