
Orange County DUI Lawyer Blog


Orange County DUI Arrest, Defenses and Sentencing

Driving Under the Influence or DUI is considered a serious offense in California and the Prosecution pursues the penalties and punishments seriously. Recent statistics have shown that there are approximately 13,000 DUI arrests in Orange County alone. 
A conviction for DUI can carry long lasting effects on a person’s life…


Driving Under the Influence in Orange County, California

A conviction of DUI carries severe and long lasting effects on a person’s life. An experienced DUI defense attorney can help to minimize the consequences of being arrested and charged with driving under the influence. DUI, or driving under the influence, charges are typically charged as misdemeanors. However, some DUI’s…

Posted in: DUI

Holiday Weekend DUI Checkpoints in Orange County, California

Several police deparatments in Orange County will be conducting DUI checkpoints and saturation patrols throughout the upcoming holiday period. This will extend through and including New Years Eve. In Irvine, a checkpoint is scheduled to take place along Culver Drive and Farwell Avenue beginning at 8:00 p.m. Friday. The checkpoint…

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