
Orange County DUI Lawyer Blog


The SCRAM Bracelet As An Alternatives To Jail Time For DUI Multiple Offenders

As anyone who has been convicted of driving under the influence can tell you, the consequences definitely have a negative impact on one’s life. But, the consequences of multiple convictions will result in much more than just having a negative impact; it may, and usually does, result in jail time.…


OC Crime Law Error

The OC Crime Lab is a nationally recognized leader in the forensic science community and provides all law enforcement agencies in Orange County with services for the recognition, collection and evaluation of physical evidence from crime scenes. It is credited with being the only “full-service, internationally accredited laboratory” that provides…

Posted in: DUI

Expunging Your DUI Conviction

Anyone can have their conviction for DUI expunged as long as they were placed on probation and have successfully completed their probation. When we say, “successfully completed their probation”, for purposes of expungement, this means that you have completed your probation without any probation violations. In a case where your…

Posted in: DUI
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