What is the per se blood alcohol content (BAC) in California? Most people know it is, with certain exceptions, 0.08%. Above that limit and a driver is considered per se under the influence of alcohol.
Which number is greater: 0.08% (0.0008) or 0.013% (0.00013)? If you answered 0.0008, congratulations, you remember your eighth-grade math. Perhaps the Redlands Police Department and the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s office need to have a math refresher course.
In late 2022, a retired airline pilot was driving home after a restaurant dinner where he had one glass of wine. He found himself in a DUI checkpoint. That is where his nightmare began. While it is unclear from reports what prompted an officer manning the checkpoint to have the retired pilot step out of his vehicle and perform preliminary screening tests and then blow into the preliminary alcohol screening (PAS) device, after doing so, the officer informed the pilot that he blew almost double over the legal limit of 0.08%. The pilot was arrested, booked, and spent the night in jail. While at the police station a blood draw was also conducted.